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AMP Research Powerstep Plug and Play Pass Through Harness


MSRP: $90.53
SKU: 76404-01A
Eligible for FREE Shipping

AMP Research Powerstep Plug and Play Pass Through Harness

Amp Research Powerstep 8Lug Free Shipping

Simplify electrical installations with AMP Research pass-through harnesses. These plug-and-play harnesses will make connections easier and double your accessory abilities—they're factory-wired solutions without having to tap into factory wires! Made in the USA, the harnesses give you two OBD-IIs under your steering column, and you will no longer need to remove door panels, locate wires, splice, or cut wiring. Power your running boards and stay hooked up to diagnostics or tuners all at the same time with AMP Research pass-through harnesses.


  • AMP Research powerstep

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